Spice Rack, The Table of Elements to My Everyday Dinner Experiments
10 Mar 2016
Reading time ~1 minute
On Netflix there is a documentary series ‘Cooked’ based off a book by Michael Pollen. The series takes viewers on a journey through the history of cooking, with a view of how cultures cultivate the elements of fire, water, air and earth into their cooking traditions.
Not sure what came first for me the love of chemistry or the love of cooking, but cooking is where I find common ground with my peers. Like all hobbies, we need tools in order to explore the realm of our interest. The tools you can find in the kitchen can range from cooking appliances, cooking utensils, oils, pots and pans, and of course spices. Spices, I think, represent an introductory kit for amateur cooks, an easy way to get started with making your own meals and transforming them into something enjoyable and different every day.
I take much pride in my spice collection because I see it as the table of elementary addition and the best use of counter space. I have collected about 30 spices and the number keeps growing.